Title: Flare
Series Title: Fallout
Series Order: 3
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: NCIS, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, JAG, Criminal Minds
Relationship: Tony DiNozzo/Jack O’Neill
Warnings: Character Bashing, Canon Typical Bullshit
Word Count: 5504
“The President wants to meet you,” Jack said when Tony picked up the phone.
“Say what?” Tony asked. He sounded very confused and distracted. Jack could hear the sounds of his lover typing on a keyboard and he held his peace as the sounds got more intense before they cut off. “Okay. My report is officially finished. What did you just say?”
Jack smirked and repeated himself. “The President wants to meet you.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said,” Tony said with a sigh. “You are so damn lucky I wore a suit today and I’m done with court.”
“I know exactly how lucky I am,” Jack agreed. He shifted slightly as he remembered the suit that Tony had been wearing when he’d left his condo that morning.
“Reign it in there, Jack,” Tony said. He sounded amused and Jack leaned back in his chair to enjoy his conversation with Tony. “When does he want to meet me?”
“In the next thirty minutes,” Jack said. He winced at the growl Tony let out. “I know. It’s very soon, but I just got off the phone with him and he requested it.”
“Right. One second,” Tony said. From the muffled beep, Jack was sure he’d been put on hold or mute so Tony could talk to someone. Likely Gibbs. Another beep and Tony was back. “You are so damn lucky that I can go. We’re not on call. Now, how am I going to get to the White House in less than thirty minutes?”
“What do you mean you’re going to the White House?” came a light male voice from the background.
“None of your business, McGee,” Tony snapped. “Jack?”
“Have you got a private spot that you can go to?” Jack asked.
“Now?” Tony asked.
Jack looked at his watch and waved a hand to Davis. He flashed five fingers at his 2IC and smiled at the nod. “Five minutes?”
“I can do that. I’ll call you when I’m in a private and unmonitored space,” Tony confirmed.
“Sounds good,” Jack said. The same male voice started speaking and he ended the call as he heard Tony snap at them.
Tony quickly packed up his gear and ignored the fit McGee was throwing. “Gibbs? Since I’m going to the White House, should I bring my gun?”
“They know you’re an officer, so they’ll expect it,” Gibbs said. He frowned at Tony as he nodded. “Besides, you don’t leave here unarmed. That’s just ridiculous.”
“Right,” Tony agreed. He added his gun to his shoulder holster and snapped the strap closed on it before he shrugged into his suit jacket before checking that his badge was attached to his belt. “What in the hell is your problem, McGee?”
“You’re going to the White House to meet the President. What in the hell, Tony?” McGee pouted. “Why do you get to go meet the President?”
“For the love of God, McGee, grow up,” Tony snapped. “This is not a recreational meeting. If Jack is calling me during the work day, there’s a reason.”
Gibbs smacked his hand on his desk. “McGee! What Tony does is none of your damn business. He’s cleared it with me and with Vance and we’re the only ones he needs to clear his actions with.”
Tony zipped up his backpack and locked his computer. “I’m gone. Do me a favor, Gibbs.”
“What?” Gibbs barked as Tony started for the elevator.
“Deal with McGee. Because it seems like the last write-up I gave him got me nowhere,” Tony called over his shoulder as he stepped into the car.
“Done!” Gibbs said.
Tony pulled his phone out and called Jack. “Jack, I’m in the most private spot in the building.”
“Gotcha,” Jack said. “Three seconds.”
“Standing by,” Tony said. He hit the button for the garage and kept his phone in his hand. When the bright light of the transporter hit, he scrunched his eyes shut. When the light faded, he opened them to see he was in Jack’s office. “Hey, Jack.”
“Hey, Tony,” Jack said with a smile.
“Any idea what brought this on?” Tony asked as he dropped his backpack on one of the chairs in front of Jack’s desk.
“Feeling a bit weirded out?” Jack asked. He was busy closing down his computer and Tony kept his attention firmly on the ceiling as Jack tucked things away. While his security clearance had gone up, by a lot, he didn’t need to know the day-to-day stuff that his lover dealt with.
“Yes,” Tony confirmed. “And wondering why me. Does he do this with all the officials in his administration?”
“Well, there was a very polite cocktail party that was held about two weeks after he took office for everyone. It was discrete and about as low-key as could be managed, but everyone who could, brought their partners,” Jack said. He snagged the sticky roller on the edge of his desk and gave his uniform jacket a quick clean before putting it on. “Since you weren’t in the know about the SGC, it would have looked a little weird for me to include you on that. Plus, the stress of talking around everything would have been a bit much.”
“Thank you,” Tony said. He’d have utterly hated that whole mess if he’d been subjected to it. And then told he couldn’t investigate anything. The curiosity would have eaten him alive. “So, he’s taking advantage of the chance to meet me now? Wonderful.”
“Yup,” Jack said. He slipped a small communications device into his ear before holding out a matching one to him. “Slip this on. It works a lot like a cell phone and will marry with yours for all functions. It will also let us keep an eye on your physical location in case we need to beam anyone out. It’ll also hold a charge for more than a month and can be charged by resting it on your laptop battery.”
“Cool. I take it this is some of the ‘Ancient’ tech that McKay was muttering about?” Tony asked as he took the comm. It was simple to slip it on and he noticed a slight tingle against his skin as it settled into place. “That’s so weird.”
“The tingle? Yeah, it is. But it’s small, light, and provides crystal clear communications,” Jack said. “Plus, despite being Ancient, it doesn’t need the ATA genome to activate it. All you need to do is put it on. All good things.”
“Agreed,” Tony said. He snagged the roller and briskly ran it over his suit jacket before dropping it back on the desk. “Okay, ready.”
“Same here,” Jack said as he picked up a leather portfolio. “Davis, you’re on deck!”
“Yes, sir! Have fun!”
“His sense of humor has gotten worse as the months have gone by,” Jack muttered before he tapped his comm. “Colonel Caldwell, two to beam up.”
“This is so Star Trek,” Tony said as the transporter picked them up. They appeared briefly in a small grey room before being transported into a small security room in the White House.
“General O’Neill, Agent DiNozzo, good afternoon,” the Secret Service agent waiting on them said. “Please follow me.”
“After you,” Jack confirmed.
Tony kept an eye on the area around them as they moved through security. His gun got a long look, but whatever information they pulled up when they reviewed his records allowed him to keep it. Tony made a mental note to pin Jack, or better yet Davis, down to find out what had changed.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Jack murmured as they were herded towards the Oval Office. “What’s up?”
“I am a little weirded out,” Tony admitted. “I never expected to actually meet the President of the United States and it feels weird to know I’m going to.”
“He’s as human as the rest of the planet,” Jack said. “And yeah, his position is a lot more powerful than most, but he’s still a man. Don’t let the whole thing trip you up too badly.”
“Funny, Jack,” Tony said. After all, both he and Jack, and a good chunk of the SGC weren’t fully human and the man knew it. “Still. I’ve grown up with the mystique of the office being hammered home, so I’m just a bit nervous.”
“I get it. And yeah, I know the feeling. But Hayes is a decent guy who just wants to make sure he knows something about his senior officers.”
“Right,” Tony breathed as they stood before the curved door to the Oval Office. When the Secret Service agent escorting them opened it and waved them through, he took a deep breath and tried not to freak out. This was not what he expected to be doing when he got up that morning!
Jack kept a casual eye on his partner as they walked into the Oval Office. The only reason he knew Tony was nervous was because the man had told him. His poker face was perfect and his body language was relaxed, but was all a lie. Hopefully, Tony would be able to relax soon and not just fake it.
Stepping into the room, he came to attention and saluted Hayes as the man sat at his desk. “Sir!”
“At ease, O’Neill,” Hayes huffed. “Is this DiNozzo?”
“Yes, sir, it is,” Jack confirmed. He waved Tony forward and his partner moved to stand beside him. “President Hayes, my partner, Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS.”
“Sir,” Tony said. He nodded once and crossed his hands behind his back.
“You two look uncomfortable,” Hayes said with a smile before waving a hand at the couches in front of his desk. “Sit down and relax. Let’s get the official stuff out of the way before we do anything else.”
Jack walked over to the couch and stood in front of it as Hayes walked around the Resolute Desk. When Hayes sat down, so did he. Since Tony was following his lead, he sat with him. “It’s good to see you, sir. I do have the update on the public perception of the SGC,” he said as he opened his portfolio to pull out a set of papers.
“Good,” Hayes said. He held his hand out for the report and settled into place to read it over, Jack had his copy out and passed one to Tony for him to review. None of the information was secure in any way, so there were no issues with Tony taking a look at it. “What does this boil down to?”
“It boils down to, for the most part, the US is accepting the SGC, aliens, other planets, and all that jazz,” Jack reported. “There are a few spots of concern among the ultra-religious sections of the population, but they are a very small portion of the overall numbers. We’re still working on getting a detailed global breakdown so we can get an idea of what the rest of the planet has to say, but I expect to have that soon.”
“How small?” Hayes asked. He flipped through the report and paused on parts to read.
“Page seven, sir,” Jack said. He waited until the President had flipped to the right page and continued his report. For the most part, the US was dealing well with the reveal that aliens were real. There had been three more congressional hearings as new information came out and while none of them had been fun, they had all been useful. Then there had been the TV appearances for the civilian members of the SGC and those had been of varying success. The Bergman documentary had been shown two more times and the ratings for each viewing had been on par with the Super Bowl.
On a slightly less positive note, the protests outside of Cheyenne Mountain had continued with only a few die-hard protestors hanging on. And even then, they mostly seemed to want to stand around with signs. Which was a lot better than the early days of mobs trying to swarm the gate.
“So basically, people are calming down?” Hayes asked after Jack finished his report.
“So, it seems, sir,” Jack confirmed. He leaned back and tried to check out what Tony was doing.
“Thank you, General,” Hayes said. He turned to look at Tony and quirked an eyebrow at him. “Do you have anything to offer, Agent DiNozzo? And please, I want your honest opinion on this, not what you think I might want to hear.”
“Yes, sir, thank you,” Tony said. He frowned as he tapped the report in his hands. “One: I’m not sure that I should have gotten this. I understand that I’m General O’Neill’s partner, but I’m not officially affiliated with the SGC, so I’m unsure about the propriety of my getting access to things like this. Two: there’s been a lot of rumbling at NCIS about the SGC. They are unsure about what will be required of us going forward, or who will have jurisdiction since it’s led by the US Air Force. Three: I have heard some rumbling in the ranks because they aren’t getting the option to go out and defend the planet. It would be nice to know that the SGC is expanding and taking on more troops because there are a number would volunteer in a heartbeat.”
“Okay,” Hayes settled back into his seat and tapped the report in his lap. “I know that you had, before the Ori ship flew overhead, a very good security clearance due to your job. But with the SGC being revealed and you being O’Neill’s partner, you needed an increased security clearance due to unintended exposures. When you started assisting the SGC with things, Colonel Davis suggested increasing your clearance again. That was approved not long after the first Congressional hearing.”
“Thank you, sir,” Tony said. From Jack’s point of view, he seemed slightly more relaxed at the thought that his clearance was being updated for legitimate reasons. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Regarding your other two concerns, my administration is working on jurisdiction questions for who is in charge of what when it comes to the various federal agencies. I fully understand that there is a great deal of impatience from everyone, but I and those involved in the regulating process, want to make sure we’re all right and legal,” Hayes explained. “As for what the services want? Thanks to Colonel Mitchell and his calling out the skinflints in Congress, the SGC is getting an increased budget and that will mean that they get an increase in the number of troops assigned. So, there will be opportunities for everyone. Including adding a satellite office that includes an NCIS agent and a CID agent to cover both the Department of the Navy personnel and the Army/Air Force members.”
“Again, thank you, sir,” Tony said.
“Is there anything else that caught your eye?” Hayes asked.
Tony frowned and crossed his arms as he stared at the President. “Sir, not to sound weird, but why are you asking me? I know I’m Jack’s partner, but this is way outside of my experience.”
“I had you investigated,” Hayes explained. At Tony’s blink, he shrugged. “O’Neill is integral to the defense of the planet and you sleep beside him. If he talks in his sleep and lets loose secrets? Well, that’s not great. Everything I’ve been told about you, states you know what a security clearance means, but making sure you’re covered in case of a slip is all to the good. I was also told that you were an excellent agent and a credit to what it means to be an NCIS agent.”
“Thank you, sir. Thank you,” Tony said. He flipped the report open and moved toward a specific page. “The report mentions that the ultra-religious are having issues. Having dealt with our home-grown zealots, this is where I’m going to suggest that you speak with a BAU team from the FBI. They have experience with dealing with them and they will be able to give you some idea of what they might do. Because right now? Reading this? I have no idea what they might be thinking. An some of these folks? Are damn good with guns.”
“Right,” Hayes said with a grimace. “Good point. I know my Secret Service agents have profilers, but they are all dedicated to other jobs.”
“I’ve worked with Secret Service profilers, sir. A number of them are trained to watch crowds for possible shooters, only a few are trained to look at the kind of Unsubs that the SGC needs to have kept track of,” Tony said. “They are good people, but they’ve got their own jobs. The BAU guys at the FBI will be able to help.”
“Point,” Hayes said. He frowned before standing to snag a pen off his desk. “Obviously, I need to take some notes. What else?”
Jack listened as Tony explained what else he had seen in the report and made some notes of his own. His lover was very competent and it showed in what he’d seen with only a minimal review of the report, some offhand commentary, and the public news, and it was very attractive. For fuck’s sake. He was over fifty and he didn’t need to embarrass himself in front of his ultimate boss over his competence kink.
“Thank you for all of this, Agent DiNozzo,” Hayes said. The President stood up and Jack followed since he was aware their time was likely done. When Hayes went over to his desk, Jack slanted a quick glance at Tony and raised an eyebrow. Tony gave him a firm nod back as the President turned back around.
“Sir, is there anything else we can help you with today?” Jack asked as Hayes walked back towards them.
“No, I’m good. This, honestly, was much better than a cocktail party. Much more useful,” Hayes said cheerfully. “I learned a lot.”
“So did I, sir,” Tony said as Hayes reached out to shake his hand. He looked startled for a second before he nodded once. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you sir, and I appreciate the opportunity you gave me today.”
Hayes snorted once and inclined his head. “Son, you put in the work to be a good agent and a good man. We just noticed.”
Jack smiled softly as he escorted Tony out of the Oval Office. “That went well.” The Secret Service agent who escorted them in, fell into place to escort them out.
“I never want to do that again,” Tony muttered. He had one hand stuffed in his pants pocket while the other hung loose at his side. Jack glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. “Jack, I deal with Admirals and Generals all day long. Not a problem. The President? Totally outside of my normal day-to-day.”
“You did great,” Jack promised as they were guided back into the small room the White House had set aside for beam outs. “Thank you, agent.”
“You’re welcome, General. Have a good day,” the agent said as he stood at the door, watching as they sorted themselves out.
“Colonel Caldwell, two to beam up,” Jack said after tapping his comm unit. “We’re heading back to Homeworld.”
“Got it, sir,” Caldwell confirmed.
The transfer from the White House to the Daedalus to the Pentagon was smooth and Jack blinked the flash of transporter light out of the way. “That went well.”
“Well, he didn’t seem upset with me, so I’ll take it,” Tony said. “I want a beer, but will take coffee if there’s any available.”
“No beer, Agent DiNozzo, but Dr. Jackson dropped off a bag of beans for the General. I’ll make you a pot,” Davis promised.
“Sounds good. Bring us a snack?” Jack asked. He headed for his office and dropped down behind his desk and dropped his portfolio on the top. “Honestly, that went about as well as I could have wanted.”
Tony rubbed his hands over his face as he settled into one of the chairs across from him. “What do you think the President got out of that?”
“Well, he got some useful information,” Jack said and tapped the report in front of him. “And I think you impressed him.”
“Honestly, I think I’d have been more comfortable at a cocktail party,” Tony muttered. He stared at him with a frown on his face. “I don’t know if BAU is going to be happy with me, but seriously, you need to get some of them on your payroll.”
“Who? I remember you mentioning them, but who do you suggest?” Jack asked.
“I’d reach out to Aaron Hotchner,” Tony suggested. He stood up and took his suit jacket off and set it aside before he took a seat on the couch to slouch into the comfort of its embrace. “Hotch has an in with all of the BAU teams and will be able to find you the right people.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Jack said. He took the time to write himself a note regarding the whole BAU thing. It was a damn good idea and they needed all the help they could get.
“Coffee, sir,” Davis said. He walked in with a tray with coffee and snacks and Jack joined Tony on the couch to nibble. “How did the meeting go?”
Tony groaned and pulled one of the cushions over his face. Jack laughed at him and shook his head. “It went well.”
“Good to know,” Davis said. “I’ll let you two relax.”
“Sounds good,” Jack said. He quickly poured them each a cup and doctored Tony’s the way he liked it. “Do you need to head back to work?”
“No, I’m good for the rest of the afternoon,” Tony said as he rolled upright. He picked his coffee up and took a sip and hummed. “This is good. Daniel has good taste.”
“I’m not telling him that. He’s insufferable enough as is,” Jack muttered before he took a sip of his own coffee. “But yeah, it’s good.” He enjoyed the quiet as they leaned against each other and drank their coffee. They were on their second cup when Tony broke the silence.
“What’s the plan for the rest of the afternoon?”
“As far as I know, I don’t have anything else on the list for today. We’ve been good for weeks, and I was thinking about taking you out to dinner. Since you’re all dressed up and all,” Jack offered.
“Got somewhere you want to eat?” Tony asked. He ignored the comment on his suit.
“Well, not Italian,” Jack said with a shrug. “I just want something that we normally don’t eat. But I’m not willing to light my tastebuds on fire either.”
“Indian?” Tony suggested. “There’s the one we like and they’re pretty discrete and they have the private booths.”
“Sold. Wanna go now?” Jack asked.
“After I’ve had my coffee and a chance to calm down a bit more,” Tony said. “And then we can get Caldwell to transport us by my car so we can take that.”
Jack nodded. “Will anyone give you fits for driving out?”
Tony wrinkled his nose at the thought and then sighed. “Yeah, I’m sure they will. Damn it.”
“Let’s try something else then,” Jack said before raising his voice. “Davis!”
“Honestly, you need a yeoman,” Tony muttered before leaning into him briefly.
“That’s in process, but they have to put up with the massive invasion that is the security review process,” Jack explained. He shrugged slightly as Tony huffed at him. “You know it’s a thing.”
“I know. It’s just crazy what needs to happen for someone to come in to help you,” Tony said.
“General,” Davis said as he walked in. “What can I do for you?”
“Have we got anyone available to go over to NCIS and drive Tony’s car back here? I don’t want him to have to deal with the twits he works with,” Jack asked.
“We thought of that already sir,” Davis admitted. He shrugged at Tony’s look. “You gave us a set of keys at that first meeting so we could bring your car from Congress to the Pentagon. I thought ahead and made sure we had a copy of your car key so we could move your car as needed.”
“Sneaky,” Tony muttered. “I’m not mad, but please ask if you have to do anything like that again.”
“Will do,” Davis confirmed. “Well, after you two left for the White House, I sent a pair of Marines over to NCIS to bring your car over. They got back about ten minutes ago.”
“Well, that’s some good news,” Tony said. “Okay, thank them for me and please make sure that you have the keys locked up.”
“I’ll do you one better, Tony,” Davis said. He held out a key ring with a single key on it. “Here.”
Tony took the key and nodded. “Thank you.”
Davis smiled. “Not a problem.”
“But you having a key to my car is a damn good idea,” Tony said and held the key back out. “Take it back and add it to the rest.”
“Will do,” Davis agreed. He took the key back and tucked it back into his pocket.
“We’re going to be going out to dinner, so please let whoever is in charge of Jack’s security know,” Tony said. “The restaurant we like is decent and should work with us on this.”
“I’ll let SG-27 know. They have the charge this week,” Davis said as he pulled a small notebook out of a pocket. “What restaurant?”
Tony detailed where they were planning on eating and Jack left him to it. He needed to sign out and lock everything up. Thankfully nothing much was left to do and he ducked into his small head to change out of his uniform. He had a selection of clothes to choose from, so he decided to match Tony and wear a suit. He figured the effort was utterly worth it when Tony’s eyes lit up as he walked out. “Do you approve?”
“You look great,” Tony said with an appreciative glance. “Davis is taking care of SG-27. They’re going to drive us and someone will be driving my car back to my condo.”
“I am not thrilled with having to have security,” Jack huffed. He held up a hand when Tony opened his mouth. “I get why, but the Ori fucked everything up.”
“You know there’s no planning for the truly insane stuff, Jack,” Tony said with a smile.
“Bah,” Jack said. He handed Tony his backpack and grabbed his own. “Ready?”
“That went well,” Tony said as they walked up to the door to his condo. “The press didn’t bother us either.”
“You know they got pictures,” Jack cautioned. He pulled his keys out and unlocked the door before opening it. Tony watched as Jack checked to make sure the condo was empty. “And chances are, they’ll be in the paper tomorrow.”
Tony grimaced as he closed the door and threw all the locks. “I’m aware. I just hope they got my good side.”
There was a small snort of laughter from the bedroom and Jack leaned out to look at him. “I just hope they got mine. Because you’re the pretty one in this relationship.”
“I am not pretty,” Tony bitched with a fake scowl as he dropped his backpack on the bench beside the door.
“You are too,” Jack caroled as he ducked back into the bedroom. “Let’s go to bed!”
The motions to close down the condo for the night were soothing and Tony made sure to prep out the coffee pot for the morning. A quick check showed that he had cereal and milk for Jack and he had a premade breakfast burrito in the freezer. Creamer and clean cups were verified, and the last of his checks were done. “We’re ready for the morning.”
“Good! I’m going to shower first,” Jack called.
“Hot damn, wet general!” Tony whispered as he walked into the bedroom. He couldn’t just dump his suit on the floor, so he quickly took it off and placed the whole thing in the bag designated for his dry cleaner. Once he was naked, he padded into the bathroom and opened the door to the shower. “Hey, soldier. Got room for one more?”
Jack grinned at him and pulled him into the wet heat. “Yeah, sure, you betcha.”
Tony laughed softly as he started washing Jack, getting his hands all over his lover. Jack was returning the favor and touching him everywhere. Neither of them were going to push for anything beyond some mild groping due to fall chances, so he was comfortable with their actions. Once they were clean, Jack turned the water off and opened the door to grab a towel. “Let me dry you?”
“Sure,” Tony agreed. He held still Jack scrubbed him dry with brisk motions until his skin tingled. “Let me take care of you?”
“Sounds good,” Jack said. He hummed softly as Tony dried him off before he pressed a kiss against Jack’s lips.
“Bed?” Tony asked. At Jack’s nod, he snagged one of the dry towels and headed into the bedroom. Flipping back the duvet and sheet, he laid the towel down before waving a hand at his lover. “Lay down?”
“On my front or back?” Jack asked as he got on the bed.
“Whatever works best for you,” Tony said as he got the condom and lube they would need. When he turned back to the bed, he found Jack lying on his back, holding his hand out to him. “Wow, you look amazing.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Jack said. His ears were slightly pink and Tony was charmed at the thought of his lover blushing over the compliment. “Come here.”
Tony got on the bed and knee walked between Jack’s legs and leaned down to press a kiss against his inner thigh. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Tony,” Jack said softly. He spread his legs further as Tony settled into place between them.
Tony dropped the condom to the side and then slid his hands under Jack’s ass so he could pull him slightly forward. Once he had Jack positioned to his liking, he took his cock into his mouth and started bobbing up and down on it. The clean taste of Jack’s skin was everything he wanted and the burst of precum that came caused his mouth to water more. Swallowing around the head, Tony internally smirked at the moan his action got him.
“Tony,” Jack panted. One of his hands slid into Tony’s hair and tugged. “I want you to fuck me now, please.”
It took effort to pull off Jack’s cock. He was so tempted to continue to blow him until his lover came all over himself. But… later. Kneeling up, he reached over to snag the lube. The actions to gently open Jack’s asshole up were easy and his lover took the move without a problem. As soon as he felt that Jack was ready, he picked up the condom to put it on and hissed as his motions drew little sparks of pleasure. “Ready?”
“Yes,” Jack moaned as Tony slowly slid into him. “Damn, that feels good.”
The pleasure rushed through his body and Tony took a deep breath as it crashed into him. When everything ebbed enough for him to think again, he leaned forward to kiss Jack. Moving slowly, he started fucking Jack for all he was worth. “You’re such a sweet fuck, Jack O’Neill.”
“I am not sweet,” Jack disagreed as he hitched his legs up to wrap around Tony’s waist.
“So, sweet,” Tony repeated as he kept moving. The pleasure hit him hard as Jack clenched down around his cock. “Fuck!”
“Yeah, that’s what you’re doing,” Jack panted. He clenched down again as Tony thrust in and then shook as his orgasm hit. “Damn it!”
Tony laughed lightly as he kept fucking into Jack, chasing his own orgasm. When it hit, he clenched his teeth against the pleasure. It was everything he’d been chasing and he panted as his movements slowed down. “Fuck. We’re doing that again.”
“Every chance we get,” Jack said. He squeezed lightly as Tony rested in him.
The shot of pleasure was intense and Tony moaned at it. “Wow,” he said before pressing a kiss against Jack’s lips. He reached down and held the condom in place as he pulled out. Rolling out of bed, Tony went back to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and clean up. Once he was clean, he ran some warm water over a washcloth to clean Jack up.
It took only moments for him to get Jack clean and then he snuggled in, making sure that his lover was the little spoon. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” Jack murmured before his breathing got quiet.
Tony hummed softly as his brain slowed down and he let sleep claim him.
Kudos! Great story.
This was fantastic! I love Jack and Tony together.
<3 <3 <3
I loved this episode of great series, I am thrilled you wrote more for it.
Tony and Jack’s relationship is just so lovely and grow-up, it is wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Yeahhhhhhh… I was so happy to see the show up in the feed. I love how comfortable Tony and Jack are in their own skin. I also love when Tony’s competence is noticed and respected
Amazing I love Tony/Jack pairings thanks for sharing
Good story
This is a fabulous story, I love it. Thanks for the early Xmas gift of a new chapter. Happy holidays, I can’t wait to read more 😁
Glad the meeting with the president went well.
lol I agree with Tony – just because he’s good at rolling with the punches does not mean meeting the President is an easy thing to do. Or something you want to repeat.
A really fine episode to a great series. Love me some Tony and Jack, and you give them to us true to what I always thought they’d be. Thank you
What a lovely present! Thank you for this. I’m adoring this series. A favorite pairing and competent and respected for his skills Tony just makes it even more perfect. Thank you! 🙂
A new Tony/Jack series is the best. I love their interaction. Also, love a supportive Gibbs and jealous team. The reveal and aftermath is exciting. I do hope there is more! Thanks for sharing your creation!
Thank you so much for sharing another part of this series! I love how supportive your Gibbs is, and the relationship between Tony and Jack is gorgeous to read. Love everything! Competent!Tony for the win, meeting the president and wowing him, woo!! xxx
Very sweet!
They have such a supportive relationship and trust each other, despite all the (rather big) secrets Jack has had to keep from Tony.
Jack is surrounded by a great team, which highlights Tony’s team’s deficiencies. Even the President can see his intelligence in one short meeting and yet McGee and Ziva have not yet worked it out!
Love this series.
Also, I enjoy how you have depicted Jack and Tony, as their age and hopefully realising that they want this for keeps.
Finally, you have not treated Tony as the comic turn, which definitely happened in series 13. I would have left as well.