Category: Harry Potter
Unexpected Blessings
Fluff Bingo!
Gathering the Troops

“Well that’s something,” Harry said as he stared at Terrance. “The teachers are prepared to finally stand up?”
“Lad, the only reason Minerva hasn’t killed all the Death Eaters besides Snape currently in the castle is she can’t be certain worse ones won’t show up,” Terrance admitted. “And she knows, for painful fact, that there are worse ones than Snape and the Carrows.”
A Once and Future King

Title: A Once and Future King
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: Harry Potter, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Relationships: None
Warnings: Canon-typical for Harry Potter
Word Count: 2000
Thursday Picture Prompt: 06/13/19
Beta: None
Summary: Harry takes his sword back and finds out some interesting facts about his family
Evil Author Day: Defiance
Restoration Part Three
Restoration Part Two
Part One Chapter Four Draco sipped at his wine and tried not to grimace at the taste. Vinegar tasted better. Handing the goblet back to Tans, he waited as the little elf quickly mulled it with sweet herbs and spices and a generous dollop of sugar. It was a much…
Title: Restoration Author: Ladyholder Fandom/Genre: Harry Potter, King Arthur, Time Travel Relationships: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy Summary: When you have to meet your destiny, sometimes that means traveling further than you expect. Beta: Jilly Warnings: Some canon typical violence for the movie King Arthur, and mention of the aftereffects of love…
Evil Author Day: Filius’s Greatest Trick

Title: Filius’s Greatest Trick Pairing: None Warning: Mentions of child abuse, mental torture Word Total: 3164 Filius Flitwick watched the fiftieth argument between Minerva and Albus about the status of Harry Potter and hummed softly to himself. The strains of an old Goblin work shanty moved through his mind and…
A Step To The Left
Title: A Step to the Left Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Harry Potter Relationship: Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione Content Rating: Mature Warnings: Passing discussion on torture and dubious consent on body autonomy, pregnancy Chapter One …the marriage of two of the most eligible bachelors to each other caused a collective heartbreak throughout the…
Evil Author Day: Elements
Title: Elements Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Under My Hat for the moment Word Count: 1533 A/N: This is what happens when one of your best friends writes damn good HP stuff. Everyone knew that there was a price to be paid, for victory. The final battle with…