Category: The Big Short (Multi-Fandom Shorts)
Puzzle Pieces

“Right. I’m going to blow up the don’t ask thing,” Alec said. He walked up behind Tony and hooked one arm around his waist. “How old are you?”
“Old,” Tony admitted. He leaned into the were for several seconds before he straightened slightly. He had no idea if one of docents would get perturbed if they acted like cooing lovers, but honestly, they were in public and he didn’t have it in him to be too soppy in front of everyone. “The first queen I met when I came to live in England was Old Queen Bess. She was… impressive and very pragmatic. I learned a great deal from her and her court.”

Title: Self-Respect Author: Ladyholder Challenge: Big Moxie 2022: Canon Divergence Fandom(s): NCIS, brief mention of Criminal Minds Relationship(s): None Warnings: canon-typical Word Count: 6,157 Author’s Note: So, this is a subtle divergence. The major change is Tony, his attitude and what he’s willing to accept. From there, the ripples should…
Back Again

“Son of a bitch!”
Bilbo sat up and looked around his bedroom. This was not what he had expected when he had closed his eyes to sleep on the way to the West. He’d grown old and crotchety in his smial and moving to Rivendell hadn’t really changed that. Traveling to the West had just added to his attitude.
What he hadn’t expected was to go to sleep and then wake up in the past.
Fuck You Very Much

“Well, aren’t you beautiful?” Dom complimented his spirit animal. He glanced up at Tony and raised an eyebrow at him. “A Black-footed Cat?”
Tony carefully ran a hand down Diode’s back. His spirit animal looked better. The healing that had started with Hedge had continued overnight while he’d been sleeping. “Yeah. How’d you know?”
Dom smiled as his own spirit animal appeared on the table. “I’ve been interested in cats since this guy appeared. Ciuffi has helped keep me sane since I came online.”
“Ciuffi? His name is Tuft?” Tony asked. He was slightly amused at the name of his sentinel’s spirit animal. When the animal flicked his ears at him, he nodded in understanding. Ciuffi was some species of lynx with very impressive ear tufts. He ran his hand over Diode’s back again. “This is Diode.”
“Diode, huh? I am utterly unsurprised that a man who deals with electronics bits on a daily basis named his spirit animal after one of the most important parts of a circuit,” Dom said with a smile. “Hello, Diode.” He held out his hand and grinned when Diode leaned forward to sniff at his fingers. There was no touching, but it was still progress.
Gathering the Troops
Our Lives Are An 80’s Rom-Com
Stone Sleep
A Slow Unraveling
Unexpected Gifts
Knit One, Purl Two
Terms of… Endearment?

“My darling, my dearest, my most lovely partner who I worship every chance I get!”
Steve stared at the phone in his hand for a moment before he put it back to his ear. “You’re surrounded by your coworkers, aren’t you Tony?”
“You betcha, darling. I can’t wait to see you again. You’ll be here next Saturday?”
A Fabulous First Date
Unexpected Blessings
The Holiday Season

One of the things that Beryl liked least about being the boss was having to call meetings to pass on the directives from on high. But she was the one running the Housekeeping and Supply departments, so she had to call them when she had directives to pass on. For good or for bad. Thankfully, this was one that she was happy to cooperate with.