EAD: Teen Wolf
Loki’s Favor Reading a book can have consequences.
Loki’s Favor Reading a book can have consequences.
The Academy Experience Greeting new students at the Star Fleet Academy Anniversary Presents Well, there was no way that he was *ever* going to forget this anniversary. The Fire Burning Within Wildfires are never without damage
A Long, Long Time Ago Fate was having a bitch of a time getting some people together. Complicated Choices Life, like anything else, is complicated The Ethics of Being a Sentinel Ethics are something that he believed in. He wasn’t going to let someone else make him violate them. A Guide to…
663 Things didn’t go quite as planned when John had decided the enemy of my enemy was a potential ally An Uncomplicated Choice: Epilogue The unwilling wanders make their way home Burning Bridges Tony gets fed up, finds out the mother of all secrets, and manages to live well Complicated Choices…
Burning Bridges Tony gets fed up, finds out the mother of all secrets, and manages to live well Earthquakes Really, they had no one to blame but themselves for the destruction Fallout You know that there has to be something that comes after the bullshit A Good Days Work It was the…
Redemption Reborn So, the Once and Future King was to be due to come again. There were portents, there were prophesies, there was… Nothing. On the other hand, his Soulmate had them all in spades. For an arrogant blonde with more pride than sense some days, things aren’t quite…
Aftermath The Battle of the Five Armies took out the main line of Durin leaving Bilbo and the Company to hold things together while they healed. It would be easier if Dáin wasn’t being a dick about everything. Bilbo Takes Charge You know, a Hobbit can only stand stuff…
Defiance Draco stands up for what is right. Elements Everyone is attuned to something. Filius’s Greatest Trick Never, ever let it be said that a Ravenclaw can’t be devious. Filius’s Greatest Trick II Never piss off the Goblins… You won’t like the lengths they will go to, to deal…
Earthquakes Really, they had no one to blame but themselves for the destruction Fallout They couldn’t keep it secret forever. Loki’s Favor Reading a book can have consequences. Strike One Tony comes online as a Sentinel when Fury steps onto the grounds of the Navy Yard. He’s not happy.
Not a House cat, More Like a Panther James Bond was no one’s idea of a pampered, spoiled and lazy house cat. So You Want to be a 00? It takes a special breed of man to become a 00. And M has her eye on several.
Mechanical Motherhood Didn’t you ever wonder how they came about?
Title: Return to Sender Author: Ladyholder Fandom: The Hobbit Warnings: Canon Typical Wordcount: 1420 Astron 2942 “You know, when I pushed you to go take back Erebor, I wasn’t expecting you to die to do it,” a deep male voice announced as Thorin woke up. Opening his eyes,…
Title: Starting Over Author: Ladyholder Fandom: NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, SG-1 Warnings: Canon Typical, minor character death Wordcount: 2990 When his alarm went off, Tony groaned in protest. He had flown back to DC the night before and had barely gotten to sleep. Cracking one eye open he saw it…
Title: I Bite Author: Ladyholder Fandom: NCIS, The Sentinel Warnings: Canon Typical Wordcount: 674 “Whoa, whoa!” The sound of someone right next to him snapped Tony out of wherever he was and he rolled to the side. His sense of smell told him he was somewhere medicinal and given…
Title: Strike One Author: Ladyholder Fandom: NCIS, Avengers, The Sentinel Warnings: Canon Typical for both Wordcount: 2316 “Well, this is not what I expected,” Tony whispered as he felt his world expand. “What are you talking about, DiNozzo?” Gibbs asked. “Just an unexpected development, Boss,” Tony said. He leaned…
Title: Aftermath Author: Ladyholder Fandom: The Hobbit Warnings: Canon Typical Wordcount: 5787 Part One “Why do you stay?” Bilbo side-eyed Dáin and continued to work the soil of the garden Balin had found for him outside of the royal residences. “You seem awfully sure that you will be allowed to stay…
Title: Their Legend is Born Author: Ladyholder Fandom/Genre: Merlin (BBC) Relationship(s): Merlin/Arthur Content Rating: M Warnings: Death, destruction and mayhem. Plus sex Wordcount: 14,575 Prologue The portents were all for a healthy child. The queen was expected to deliver soon and the babe moved strongly within her. Everyone…
Title: Redemption Reborn Author: Ladyholder Fandom/Genre: Harry Potter, Merlin(BBC) Relationship(s): Harry/Draco Content Rating: M Warnings: All the standards for me & the Harry Potter Universe Wordcount: 14,266 Fifteen hundred years was a long time to way for history to line up and behave. Even for the Lady Magic.…