Me, Contact and Housekeeping


Because occasionally I find that I need a Visual Aid to stuff

Then there was the List of NOPE.

The list of things you can use here : Lubing it UP!

Ancient people & their freaky, sexy way! Sex Toys and Lubes in History


Because sometimes I like to share.

1. 2012 In Review

Because showing everyone where we went this year can be fun!

2. 2013 In Review

Well. Things were a bit busy this year. Let’s see if I can do better next year?

3. 2014 In Review

I need to post more. Damn it


  1. I love your stories your OC Cooper is my fav can’t wait for more from her keep up the brill work xx

  2. Desiree Nicholls

    LOve your fics. You are an amazing author

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