The Unconquered Pair Part I

The Atlantis Expedition had contacted Earth twelve hours before with a message that resembled a horror novel. They had found a species that ate people and they knew Earth existed. They had also sent the former head of the Expedition back in handcuffs with a list of suggested charges heading up their report. Jack was sure that no one had expected that to happen. Even Walter had been flabbergasted.

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The Unconquered Pair Part II

Title: The Unconquered Pair Series: The Unlikely and Unwilling Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Violence-Canon-Level, Character Bashing, Beta by Spellcheck Genre: Alternate Universe. Crossover Relationships: McKay/Sheppard, O’Neill/Jackson, Ronon/Tyre, and other pairings as needed Wordcount: 57,269 Summary: With Elizabeth gone, the Expedition knuckled down to see if they could fulfill their primary mandate:…

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“The President wants to meet you,” Jack said when Tony picked up the phone.

“Say what?” Tony asked. He sounded very confused and distracted. Jack could hear the sounds of his lover typing on a keyboard and he held his peace as the sounds got more intense before they cut off. “Okay. My report is officially finished. What did you just say?”

Jack smirked and repeated himself. “The President wants to meet you.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said,” Tony said with a sigh.

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The afterglow had barely faded when the watch on his wrist started to buzz against his skin. Jack tried to casually glance at it without drawing too much attention to his actions. From the small huff Tony let out, he wasn’t successful.

“It’s cute that you still try to get stuff past me,” Tony muttered into his pillow. He pushed up and stared at Jack. “Also, that’s a very Dick Tracy kind of watch you’ve got. Better find out what’s going on. You know they won’t stop calling.”

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Puzzle Pieces

“Right. I’m going to blow up the don’t ask thing,” Alec said. He walked up behind Tony and hooked one arm around his waist. “How old are you?”

“Old,” Tony admitted. He leaned into the were for several seconds before he straightened slightly. He had no idea if one of docents would get perturbed if they acted like cooing lovers, but honestly, they were in public and he didn’t have it in him to be too soppy in front of everyone. “The first queen I met when I came to live in England was Old Queen Bess. She was… impressive and very pragmatic. I learned a great deal from her and her court.”

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Title: Self-Respect Author: Ladyholder Challenge: Big Moxie 2022: Canon Divergence Fandom(s): NCIS, brief mention of Criminal Minds Relationship(s): None Warnings: canon-typical Word Count: 6,157 Author’s Note: So, this is a subtle divergence. The major change is Tony, his attitude and what he’s willing to accept. From there, the ripples should…

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Episode Four: Fire Breaks

Title: Fire Breaks Author: Ladyholder Fandom: SGA, SG1, NCIS Series: 4 Relationships: Sheppard/McKay, O’Neill/Jackson, and more to come Genre: AU Wordcount: 10,353 Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Bullshit Summary: Dealing with Beckett, making plans, and pointing out issues. Busy, busy, busy! Author’s Note: Everyone knows I have little to no respect…

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Episode One: A Burning Madness

Title: A Burning Madness Author: Ladyholder Fandom: SGA, SG1, NCIS Series: 1 Relationships: Sheppard/McKay, O’Neill/Jackson, and more to come Genre: AU Wordcount: 11,481 Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Medical Bullshit Summary: After visiting M9S-921, SGA-1 return home to find themselves changed. Instead of being human beings, now they are what can only…

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