Atlantis Chapter Nine – Complicated Choices

Title: Complicated Choices Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG1 Pairing: John/Rodney, Evan/David, Miko/Carson, Elizabeth/Radek, Jon/Danny Betas: Chris King & Keira Marcos March 2016 Atlantis Jackson-O’Neill Household Jon O’Neill looked up sharply when he noticed that the apartment was completely silent. As an experienced parent, he was well aware that…

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Different Roads Challenge #21

Title: Answering the Call of Duty Author: Ladyholder Challenge #:  #21 Fandom/Original:  The Avengers (2012) Genre (slash/het/gen/etc):  Slash Warnings:  None.   It should never be easy to say goodbye.   Part Two Tony walked up behind the man gazing out the windows of his tower and cleared his throat. “So, this is going to…

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Different Roads Challenge #20

The art is by Fanarts. Isn’t she cool?   Title:  Ill Blown Storms Author: Ladyholder Challenge #:  20 Fandom/Original: Teen Wolf Genre (slash/het/gen/etc): Mostly Gen, some really broad hints of slash if you look at it right Warnings:  Death of canon characters, bloody messes in all meanings of the phrase and impromptu surgery Beta/Handholding:…

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