Different Roads Challenges #9

Title:  Attack of the Killer Zombies Author: Ladyholder Challenge #:  9 Fandom/Original:  The Avengers 2012 Genre (slash/het/gen/etc):  Slash(ish?) Warnings:  None Concrit (yes/no):  Nope     “You know… When you said ‘Let’s go to Universal Studios! It’ll be fun!’ I should have had a clue that our vacation would be like this,” Phil Coulson commented as…

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Different Roads Challenge#7

Title:  Promises Made Author: Ladyholder Challenge #:  7 Fandom/Original:  The Avengers(2012) Genre (slash/het/gen/etc):  Slash Warnings:  None Concrit (yes/no): No     Part One They had been dating for four months and Tony was so sexually frustrated that he wanted to scream. If he didn’t know the old joke about overdeveloped forearms was mostly a myth,…

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Different Roads Challenge#10

Title:  Inventive Punishments Author: Ladyholder Challenge #:  10 Fandom/Original: The Avengers (2012) Genre (slash/het/gen/etc): Mostly Gen, some really broad hints of slash if you look at it right Warnings:  No Concrit (yes/no): Off list/off line ONLY     “I can’t believe you slept with her,” Tony muttered in a low aside to his escort…

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