On the Wings of Unexpected Change – Part One

Title: On the Wings of Unexpected Change Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Summary: Thumbs are important. Warnings: Mental warping Betas: Keira Marcos, Jilly James and Chris King Art By: Fanarts   Chapter One   John Sheppard walked into his new quarters and looked around, blinking slowly at the contents. The…

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Evil Author Day: An Uncomplicated Choice: Epilogue

Title: An Uncomplicated Choice: Epilogue Author: Ladyholder Fandom:SG1 & SGA A/N: NO NAGGING “We’ve been receiving anomalous readings from the outer solar system for the last six months. There had been no set pattern to when the anomaly would show up on our scanners, no matter what we tried.” Carter reported…

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A Step To The Left

Title: A Step to the Left Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Harry Potter Relationship: Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione Content Rating: Mature Warnings: Passing discussion on torture and dubious consent on body autonomy, pregnancy Chapter One …the marriage of two of the most eligible bachelors to each other caused a collective heartbreak throughout the…

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Evil Author Day: Fallout

Title: Fallout Author: Ladyholder Fandom: The Avengers (2012) Pairings: Tony/Steve Word COunt: 1146 A/N: set in my Tony is a Werewolf ‘verse. Yes, I know those are normally Challenge fics.         “Billionaire Playboy Despoils National Icon!” “Is Captain America Gay?” “Should Steve Rogers Continue to be Captain…

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