Our Lives Are An 80’s Rom-Com
Stone Sleep
A Slow Unraveling
Hedging Your Bets
The Academy Experience
Time to Make the Donuts
2019 – Shields are Damn Useful
A Lone Wolf
Unexpected Gifts
Knit One, Purl Two
Terms of… Endearment?

“My darling, my dearest, my most lovely partner who I worship every chance I get!”
Steve stared at the phone in his hand for a moment before he put it back to his ear. “You’re surrounded by your coworkers, aren’t you Tony?”
“You betcha, darling. I can’t wait to see you again. You’ll be here next Saturday?”
A Fabulous First Date
Unexpected Blessings
The Holiday Season

One of the things that Beryl liked least about being the boss was having to call meetings to pass on the directives from on high. But she was the one running the Housekeeping and Supply departments, so she had to call them when she had directives to pass on. For good or for bad. Thankfully, this was one that she was happy to cooperate with.
Gathering the Troops

“Well that’s something,” Harry said as he stared at Terrance. “The teachers are prepared to finally stand up?”
“Lad, the only reason Minerva hasn’t killed all the Death Eaters besides Snape currently in the castle is she can’t be certain worse ones won’t show up,” Terrance admitted. “And she knows, for painful fact, that there are worse ones than Snape and the Carrows.”
Sticky Fingers
A Once and Future King

Title: A Once and Future King
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: Harry Potter, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Relationships: None
Warnings: Canon-typical for Harry Potter
Word Count: 2000
Thursday Picture Prompt: 06/13/19
Beta: None
Summary: Harry takes his sword back and finds out some interesting facts about his family