
Title: Introducing…? Author: Ladyholder Series: Agent Very Far Afloat Fandom: NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: Tony/Ian Rating: R Warnings: Some violence Summary: Someone introduces herself Wordcount: 5,998 Beta: Azure Hart  No Means NO!   Hey Gibbs, I know you aren’t much for email, but this is the easiest way to get in…

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Agent Very Far Afloat, Part 2

  ​Title: Agent Very Far Afloat, Part 2 Author: Ladyholder Series: Agent Very Far Afloat Fandom: NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: Tony/Ian Rating: R Warnings: Some violence Summary: The investigation comes to a head. Wordcount: 12,766 Beta: Keira Marcos Agent Very Far Afloat: Part One – – – – “Thank you…

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Boil Them, Mash Them, Stick Them In a Stew

  Title: Boil Them, Mash Them, Stick Them In a Stew Author: Ladyholder Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Relationship: None Genre: AU Word count: 8197 Summary: One personal item? A garden is a *one*, right? Beta: Keira Marcos – – – – “Whelp, guess it’s time to get started,” Cooper announced as…

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Evil Author Day: The Ethics of Being a Sentinel

Title: The Ethics of Being a Sentinel Series: Young Sentinels and Guides Pairings: John/Rodney, Jack/Daniel Warnings: People Being Assholes Word Count: 1663 Art by Jilly   When John was away from his Guide, he made it a practice to not to overstretch his senses. He had enough control to use…

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Evil Author Day: Visiting and Discovery

Title: Visiting and Discovery Series: Being Different Pairing: John/Rodney Warnings: None Word Count: 1278   Missions since he had recovered from being a bug had been fucked up. John’s sense of the City, of the ATA carriers in his area had gotten used to the max. The Aurora had been…

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