Tag: Challenge Fic
The Trunk
Moving On Up
Round Two
New Horizons
Wit-Sec: SGC Style
Personal Justice
A Dish Best Served Cold
The Magic of Hobbits
Title: The Magic of Hobbits
Author: Ladyholder
Fandom: The Hobbit
Warnings: Death of major characters
Word Prompt Fic: Survival
Word Count: 1002
Summary: Bilbo survived to come make it back to the Shire. Now, he has to work to make Bag End a home again.
The Furor
The Letter
Evil Author Day: Fallout

Title: Fallout Author: Ladyholder Fandom: The Avengers (2012) Pairings: Tony/Steve Word COunt: 1146 A/N: set in my Tony is a Werewolf ‘verse. Yes, I know those are normally Challenge fics. “Billionaire Playboy Despoils National Icon!” “Is Captain America Gay?” “Should Steve Rogers Continue to be Captain…
Different Roads Challenge #8

Title: Lion Guide Author: Ladyholder Challenge #: 8 Fandom/Original: NCIS/The Sentinel Genre (slash/het/gen/etc): Slash Warnings: NC-17 Concrit (yes/no): No “So. How are we doing this? Because I can’t see you running like tradition demands.” Tony snorted at the thought. He could run. Hell he did run. Right towards trouble. Story# 1 in Duo: You…